Thursday, September 27, 2012

Call Managed bean method without using DC

To call a managed bean method without exposing the managed bean as data control, we can do following;

For a method like this:

public class MyBean {
    public MyBean() {
  public void myMethod(String arg1) {

Add following method invocation code in page definition file:

<methodAction  id="CallMyMethodOnMyBean"              
                MethodName="myMethod" DataControl="AppModuleDataControl">
       <NamedData NDName="arg1" NDType="java.lang.String" NDValue="Foo"/>


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Combine Security Providers in Weblogic

By default, WebCenter services only use first security provider configured in the list. In order to fetch the user details from second or any further provider, we just need to add "virtualize = true" under the domain -> Security Provider Configuration -> Configure -> add new property

For details, please check: