Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Oracle ADF 12.2.1 Change Maven Local Repository Location

Following post describe the solution for an issue which might come after changing the maven local repository location in JDeveloper.

To change the Maven local repository location, go to Tools -> Preferences -> Maven -> Repositories in JDeveloper and enter the path of your own repository location:

After changing the local repository location, localRepository tag will get added in the settings.xml file (by default present in C:\Users\username\.m2 directory ), if not present already.

Now since the new repository don't have required ADF libraries, following issue might be faced while running the build for ADF project.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ChildModel: Could not resolve dependencies for project DeploymentTest_ChildApplication:ChildModel:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at com.oracle.adf.library:BC4J-Runtime:pom:12.2.1-0-0 -> com.oracle.fmwshare:adf-share-support:jar:[12.2.1,12.2.2): No versions available for com.oracle.fmwshare:adf-share-support:jar:[12.2.1,12.2.2) within specified range -> [Help 1]

The solution for above issue is to populate new repository with all the required libraries:

Following are the steps for configuring new repository with weblogic maven plugin:

        1)    Open command prompt and change directory to


        2)    Execute following command

        mvn install:install-file -DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.pom -Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.2.1.jar

        3)    Now execute following command to push libraries into local repository

        mvn com.oracle.maven:oracle-maven-sync:push -DoracleHome=MIDDLEWARE_HOME

Once the above command is successful, it will populate the repository with all required libraries and build will run successfully.

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